6 figure earner. $89k in debt. Living in a HCOL city in America. Elite Type A Fuckboy.

  • How To Become A Rich Man North of Richmond

    How To Become A Rich Man North of Richmond

    Oliver Anthony’s hit song “Rich Men North of Richmond” struck a cord in me. Not because of how poetic the song is or how beautifully sung it was, but because of the disconnect between the people in the comments to the message of the song. Instead of hating the rich men north of Richmond, if…

  • How LCOL areas keep you poor…

    How LCOL areas keep you poor…

    LCOL stands for “Low Cost of Living.” Chances are, if you live in a LCOL area, you might: Among other things. With that said, how does living in a LCOL area keep you poor? If you’re driving for many hours per month to get to and from your job, you’re putting wear and tear on…

  • People are complaining of $7 a dozen eggs when Costco sells organic eggs for $4 a dozen…

    People are complaining of $7 a dozen eggs when Costco sells organic eggs for $4 a dozen…

    Another benefit of living in a HCOL is the closer you are to a Costco. At Costco, you can buy organic eggs for $4 a dozen. They come in a pack of 24 eggs. So while you’re living in your LCOL area and paying $7 for a dozen non-organic eggs, you could be living in…

  • day in the life update: 6/17/23

    day in the life update: 6/17/23

    The past couple of days were interesting. I already make over $100,000 a year working 50-60 hours a week in this HCOL city in America. But I applied to a part-time job as well to make additional income. This part time job, if I get it, should bring in an additional $400-600 a week. Which…

  • Apparently kitty litter is harmful to pregnant women and fetuses

    Apparently kitty litter is harmful to pregnant women and fetuses

    And apparently it’s not from the kitty litter itself. It’s from the bacteria in the kitty poop that is shed into the litter if you don’t clean the poop in a few days. Source: Mayo Clinic. The suggestion (assuming getting rid of your cat isn’t an option) is to either wear gloves when cleaning kitty…

  • Primal Branding by Patrick Hanlon Book Review

    Primal Branding by Patrick Hanlon Book Review

    Just finished reading Primal Branding by Patrick Hanlon. I didn’t like the book. Having read a lot of business, self help, and entrepreneurship books, Primal Branding by Patrick Hanlon was one of the most boring books I’ve read. His 7 points of what makes a brand stick can be summed up on 1 page. With…

  • Are wealthy people “nicer”?

    Are wealthy people “nicer”?

    I’ve lived in poor areas and I’ve lived in wealthy areas across America. The one thing I’ve noticed that’s a general theme with all of them is that the wealthy areas tend to have nicer people. Here’s why it makes sense. Wealthy people don’t have to rush to go anywhere. They have their investments making…

  • HCOL isn’t actually bad or good

    HCOL isn’t actually bad or good

    The “High” in “High Cost Of Living” (HCOL) is subjective. For people living in New York City that earn over $500,000 a year, a $4500 a month rent for 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom might not seem “high.” It’s normal. To someone moving to New York City from the south or midwest where a 2 bedroom,…

  • What does HCOL mean?

    What does HCOL mean?

    HCOL stands for “High Cost of Living.” It usually refers to cities where the cost of living is higher on average than other parts of the country or world. I blog mainly from the perspective of a guy living in one of these HCOL cities in America.

  • Hello, World

    Hello, World

    Not to start with the stereotypical greeting for a first time blog post but starting with a stereotypical greeting for a first time blog post. “Hello, World.” This blog will be mainly me sharing my daily life and any works of fiction I come up with.

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